Big Bang Theory: Spiritual and emotional development of the drama characters
There’s no such thing in existence that can escape the intertwining of the collective unconscious, as one becomes more awake he merely becomes aware of the subconscious contents of his mentality but never gets rid of their footprint altogether.
This collective unconscious, which is a universal amalgamation of reflexes, instinctive behaviour and responses towards a psychological stimulus can be observed through a single human being, and the motive of our unconscious behavior always remains constant;
So, when an actor performs in a TV show, the act is not a farfetched fantasy but a potential of possible outcomes in real life. The downfall and rise of the protagonist, and even the soul crisis in the drama feels relatable because every fantasy in the drama has been carried out (or has the potential to carry out) in real life.
Every master piece of art represents the process of individuation of personality in a smooth, linear fashion. Like dreams, movies and TV shows reveal the essence of humanity and nuggets of ancestral wisdom.
In a 2007 starred American sitcom show, namely “Big Bang theory”- the protagonist is portrayed to be a miracle of scientific community. Bestowed with cold, strategic thinking and exceptional memory; an ardent and almost frenzied sense of discipline, hygiene and strong moral values, our guy has perfected the rational side of his personality. Because the hero has allowed no room for his heartily desires and flexibility, his discipline tilts towards extreme rigidity, in the form of strange phobias such as fear of birds and an obsession for being clean. Furthermore, notice that he always assigns a spot for himself to have a seat, and has a compulsive need to knock three times. This unbending approach towards material perfection robs himself the ability of being sympathetic and makes him severely oblivious to social cues.
The beginning portrays an advent of enlightened man, his quirks are tolerated and perhaps even enjoyed at times, but as the show progresses, this enlightenment tips towards fanatic behaviour, people around him grow restless and feel subjugated. If it wasn’t for his leadership role, people wouldn’t hesitate in ostracizing him instantly.
An aspect of his life that suffered the most because of his despotic bearing was his relationship with Amy, as he was too grappled with his ethic codes of abstinence that it starved his partner, emotionally, mentally and physically.
The hero finds it hard to tackle these challenges that impede his spiritual growth, and provoke resentment in the people who surround him.
And so, universe begins to speak through signs and symbols, in this case through dreams where a part of his subconscious attained the role of one of his long lost ideals and acted as a guidance, albeit a humorous one.
As our hero finally pays heed to these instinctive warnings, the last possible psychological turnover of his personality takes place and he begins to open himself to the vulnerability of emotional world, and so the character reaches the pinnacle of spiritual and mental growth.
The last scene of the show, as shown below, is a spectacular representation of how the protagonist has achieved a state of dramatic personality transformation, and how a cold reasoning machine who would never cease to undermine and intellectually humiliate the closest of his friends, stands on the stage, humbled and bowed down, takes the courage to soften his heart for his loved ones; who always considered himself a diety of earthly perfection begins to enjoy feeling weak in front of his woman.
The genius, the brainy, in short, surrenders and gets in touch with the wonders of his heart.